FAQs of freebeat Coupon Code
Some frequently asked questions about freebeat coupon code are also answered here.
Are there more ways to get freebeat discount codes?
The answer is yes. Once open the website of freebeat, a pop-up that invites you to join a lucky draw will appear. You can win up to $1000 off in this simple event. Try it now!
Does freebeat offer any First Responder, Teacher, Medical, or Military discounts?
freebeat offers discounts for all first responders, medical, U.S. Military personnel, and students. Just provide proof of your occupation to be eligible for a $50 discount on freebeat bikes. Click here to apply now.
Does freebeat offer discounts to licensed fitness instructors?
Yes! If you are a fitness, yoga, pilates, or dance instructor, you may be eligible to apply for freebeat's fitness instructor special discounts! Once your verification has been completed, they will provide you with a discount code for $100 off a freebeat bike.
To apply for freebeat fitness instructor discounts please contact freebeat Live Chat to provide the following:
- A photo showing your name, your company name, current date/month/year, and a current teaching schedule (if possible).
- Alternatively, you may provide your instructor certificate, a current pay stub, or a letter from the studio manager (including their contact information on letterhead). Confirming you teach in a studio will qualify you for discounts!